Complete your request in three (3) simple phrases
Download Consent Form

See sample on how to fill the form

Fill, Sign, and Upload Consent Form

Make Payment

Guide on how to fill the CSIS Consent Form
Filling this form is straightforward.
Guide I Leave the first two (2) columns/lines blank.
Guide II Fill out the other blank spaces with blue ink only.
Guide on how to fill the GCMS Consent Form
If you’re confused on how to go about filling out the GCMS consent form, this guide is for you.
Guide I
Prior after downloading the form in coloured or black-and-white, fill in the correct information in Section 2 as applicable to the Principal Applicant (PA).
Guide II
If applicable, fill the correct information for any accompanying dependent in Section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.
Guide III
Section 1 is for official use only. Kindly leave it blank.
Guide IV
Ensure that there is a printer and a scanning device close by. You can either fill the form using a computer or hand-filled neatly in capitalization. Then sign and date the form.
NOTE: The file size shouldn’t exceed 2MB and it’s strictly advised to use a blue ink when appending your signature. If the consent form is not appropriately filled, we will not be able to begin the process of making the request on your behalf.
Guide V
Scan the form and then save to your computer or mobile device. When filling the Request Information form on our website, a placeholder will be provided for the GCMS consent form upload.
NOTE: If you encounter difficulty submitting this form or completing the process in the Request Information page, kindly send us an email
Consent for Children under 16:
For minors, parents can fill the correct information of the child in Section 2 in the form. It should be duly signed by both parents.
In other situation where the family composition is more than four (4) members, another consent form should be filled for any additional member of the family.
Guide on how to fill the CBSA Consent Form
Are you confused on how to fill out the CBSA consent form? This guide is for you.
Guide I
Section 2 is for official use only and should be left blank.
Guide II
The correct information of the Principal Applicant (PA) should be filled in Section 3.
Guide III
If applicable, other individuals’ information i.e. Spouse, Adult Family Member, Business Partner should be filled correctly in Section 4, 5, and 6 respectively.
NOTE: Input the date in YYYY/MM/DD format and ensure that the text is clear and readable after been filled and scanned. The file size shouldn’t exceed 2MB. If the consent form is not appropriately filled, we will not be able to begin the process of placing the request on your behalf.